I’ll admit that I love to shop. I love picking up a bargain that is * just * what I’m looking for – the right colours, styles and fabrics for the right price. This is why I love working at Yours Clothing, every day I can look over the products we sell and secretly add them to my must-have list in my head!
Yours Clothing is different from every other retailer as the design of the clothes we sell are perfect for curvaceous girlies, or a ‘Buxom Babe’!!
With the weather as unpredictable as it is, tunics are a great way of creating layers to keep warm or staying decent stripping off if you get a tad warm in the office. They typically are cut longer than a normal top and shorter than a dress. This means hips are definitely covered and possibly bottoms too if you'd rather show off the shape of your pins.
For spring,

My absolute FAVOURITE floral tunic is this stunning black and red rose print tunic (pictured top right). The pleats and buttons around the neckline are subtle touches that draw the eye around your body and will go with leggings, jeans or black trousers, meaning it is a suitable outfit for work, drinks with the girls or meeting the boyfriend’s parents for Sunday dinner. Talk about versatility, I’ve got mine!