Unfortunately, January is perhaps the best time in the whole year to bag yourself a bargain in the New Year sales. The non-too-distant memory of Christmas shopping however tends to haunt my mind preventing me from heading out to do battle with the hundreds of other brave shoppers. I do inevitably visit the shops at least once by the end of January but by that time the ‘New Year Sale’ is more like a ‘Jumble Sale’ and most purchases are made purely because of the saving I’m making not because I am really that keen on the particular garment!
In recent years, there has been an alternative... online shopping. Same great deal, same choice of clothing but no crowded shopping centre-induced headache! Although this cures many problems with sale shopping, it does cause a few more. For example, many stores start their January sale on Boxing Day morning meaning that the keenest of bargain hunters are at their computer, fingers poised to add as much reduced stock to their basket as possible before most of us have even finished sleeping off the Christmas Day over-indulgences!
Well, I am pleased to tell you that here at Yours Clothing not only have we decided to launch our sale this week, but we will continue to replenish our sale stock and have further reductions on our plus size clothing all the way into the new year and beyond! Furthermore, with our great ‘shop by size’ facility you can ensure that every item you fall in love with is definitely available in your size! What could be simpler? Gorgeous plus-size fashion at a reduced price, delivered to your door without even so much of a hint of stressful sale shopping. I know where I’ll be looking for my new year bargains!